The Language of God

By Gene Franks

Many Americans will find this unlikely — it will surely come as a shock to George W. Bush — but there are a number of religious thinkers in this world who maintain that That Old Time Religion is seriously showing its age. From the pews to the pulpit, the faith is weakening. There is evidence, in fact, to support the notion that Christianity, as we all know and love-or-hate it, is (to state it in the proper historical parlance) pretty much doomed. –David Templeton. (“Can Jesus Survive the Millennium?” in Northern California Bohemian, April 3, 2001).

Recent developments in genetics, or Genetics, I should say, have underlined just how right I’ve been all the years I’ve been exposing myself to ridicule, scorn,  and

Science is America’s religion, and orthodox medicine is its leading church.

outright raucous laughter by saying that Science, not Christianity, is modern America’s religion. In case you haven’t yet caught on to this—I think it’s only me and about two other people who have—I’ll explain. I do not say that Science has characteristics of a religion, or that Science has similarities to some religions; I say, specifically and without equivocation, that Science is now and for some time has been America’s national religion.

Whatever we might think we believe, we Americans have been so totally indoctrinated in the thinking of the Church of Science that we all share a deep and abiding belief in the Laws of Science and Technology.   Christianity is now one of America’s hobbies, and Science is America’s religion. Americans have far stronger faith in their automobile to get them to church than in their Church’s God-In-Residence to perform even the tiniest of miracles. And if our eye offends us, we do not pluck it out, as Jesus commanded, but rather we go to our certified ophthalmologist for a complete eye examination and professional treatment.  Jesus’ commandment notwithstanding, eye-plucking is now seen by all as barbaric, un-Christian, and, perish the thought, un-Scientific.

Let me make this clearer with an illustration from recent events.

 When not long ago God moved to reveal His true language to the world,  He did not reveal it to the Pope or to Billy Graham or even to Pat Robertson, but to some Holy Researchers with grants from the U.S. Government or high-paying jobs with predatory Science-for-profit Corporations. I am speaking, of course, of the Prophets of the Human Genome Project.

During the historic celebration of the completion of the Genome Project in 2001, I heard at least three of the scientists for the project declare, with solemn reverence, quivering lip, and a somber tone worthy of a Moses stepping down from the Mount with his Tablets,  that with the project’s completion scientists had now laid eyes on “the language of God.” Even President Clinton got into the act, calling the completed Genome “the language in which God created life.”

Think of it.  God’s very own language—discovered not in some long-buried cave in the Holy Land, but right here in a laboratory in California.

Now, if the Pope were to announce that he had been made privy to God’s sacred idiom and therefore has insider information that the rest of us don’t, folks everywhere–Catholics included, I’m guessing– would cry out in outrage. But when the scientific elite anoint themselves the unique custodians of God’s recipe book, no one utters a peep. For Scientists to know God’s secrets seems perfectly natural and fitting to everyone. To believe the Pope requires an act of faith, but everyone knows that Science has The Answer.  That’s because Science is our religion—the only one that we really believe in.

When I read that God’s language had finally been revealed, I thought it was good that God had not given up on us, that He was still trying to communicate with us in spite of difficulties we’ve had figuring out His previous messages.  In Hebrew, Greek, King James English, and other difficult tongues, things weren’t too clear. The Almighty, I reasoned, is now taking a fresh shot at it in His own sacred idiom. The Human Genome will surely clear things up for us.

Anxious to get a glimpse at God’s language, I went straight to one of the websites where the Genomic Gospel is archived.  As I read, in my mind’s ear I could hear preachers of the future, adopting the lofty tone of the original Genomites I had heard on the radio, teaching their flocks from the pulpit:

“And in the Human Genome, Chromosomes Chapter IXX, the Lord speaks to us of His divine plan, saying, “ 1 cggggggccc ggagcgggat cgcggcacct gccgagcggg tcgccgcgtc tgccgcggtc 61 cttggacccc gccgccgccc tggcctggga gcttgccccg ccgcagcggc cggcagcgcg 121 gcgctccgcg ggcggcaggc acgggccccg ggccccctca cggcgcccag ccgcgggcct 181 cccgaggcaa aagcccgtgg gccgccgcga tggccttcaa gatggtgaag ggcagcatcg 241 accgcatgtt cgacaagaat ctgcaggact tggtccgcgg catccgtaac cacaaggagg 301 acgaggcaaa atacatatct cagtgcattg atgagatcaa gcaggagctg aagcaggaca 361 acatagcggt gaaggcgaac gcggtctgca agctgacgta tttacagatg ttgggatacg 421 acatcagctg ggccgccttc aacatcatag aagtgatgag tgcctccaag ttcaccttca 481 agcgaattgg ctacctcgct gcttcccaga gctttcacga aggcaccgac gtcatcatgc 541 tgaccaccaa tcagatccgt aaggacttga gcagccccag ccagtacgac acaggtgttg 601 cactgacggg tctgtcctgc ttcgtcaccc cagaccttgc cagagacctg gcaaatgaca 661 tcatgacact gatgtcacac accaagccct acatcaggaa gaaggctgtg ctgatcgagc 721 ccctcaccaa tctcatccac agcacgtctg ccatgtctct cctctatgaa tgtgtgaaca 781 ccgtgattgc agtgctcatc tcgctgtcct ccggcatgcc caaccacagc gccagcatcc 841 agctttgtgt tcagaaatta aggatattga tcgaggactc cgatcagaac ttgaagtacc 901 tggggctgct ggcaatgtcc aagatcctga agacccaccc caagtccgtg cagtcccaca 961 aggacctcat cctgcagtgc ctggacgaca aggacgagtc catccggctg cgggccctgg 1021 acctgctcta tgggatggtg tccaagaaga acctgatgga gatcgtgaag aagctgatga 1081 cccacgtaga caaggcagag ggtaccacct accgtgacga gctgctcacc aagatcattg 1141 acatctgcag ccagtccaac taccagtaca tcaccaactt cgagtggtac atcagcatcc 1201 tggtggagct gacccggctg gagggcacac ggcacggcca cctcatcgcc gcccaaatgc 1261 tggacgtggc catccgcgtg aaggccatcc gcaagttcgc cgtgtcccag atgtctgcgc 1321 tgcttgacag tgcacacctg ctggccagca gcacccagcg gaacgggatc tgtgaggtgc 1381 tgtacgctgc cgcctggatc tgcggggagt tctcagagca tctgcaggaa ccacaccaca 1441 ctttggaggc catgctgcgg cccagagtca ccacgctgcc aggccacatc caggccgtgt 1501 atgtgcagaa cgtggtcaag ctctacgcct ccatcctgca gcagaaggag caggccgggg 1561 aggcagaggg cgctcaggcc gtcacccagc tcatggtgga ccggctgccc cagtttgtgc 1621 agagcgcaga cctggaggtg caggagcggg cgtcctgcat cctgcagctg gtcaagcaca 1681 tccagaagct tcaggccaag gacgtgcctg tggcagagga ggtcagcgct ctctttgctg 1741 gggagctgaa cccagtggcc cccaaggccc agaagaaggt tccagtcccc gaaggcctgg 1801 acctggacgc ctggatcaat gagccactct cggacagcga gtcagaggac gagaggccca 1861 gggccgtctt ccacgaggag gagcagcggc gtcccaagca ccggccgtcg gaggcggacg 1921 aggaagagct ggctcggcgc cgagaggccc ggaagcagga gcaggccaac aaccccttct 1981 acatcaagag ctcgccatcg ccacagaagc ggtaccagga caccccgggc gtggagcaca 2041 ttcccgtggt gcagattgac ctctccgtcc ccttgaaggt tccagggctg cctatgtcag 2101 atcagtatgt gaagctggag gaggagcggc ggcaccggca gaagctggag aaggacaaga 2161 ggaggaaaaa gaggaaggag aaggagaaga agggcaagcg ccgccacagc tcgctgccca 2221 cggagagcga cgaggacatc gcccctgccc agcaggtgga catcgtcaca gaggagatgc 2281 ctgagaatgc tctgcccagc gacgaggatg acaaagaccc caacgacccc tacagggctc.  2341 tggatattga cctggataag cccttagccg acagcgagaa actgcctatt cagaaacaca 2401 gaaacaccga gacctcaaaa tcccctgaga aggacgttcc catggtagaa aagaagagca 2461 agaaacccaa gaagaaagag aaaaaacaca aagagaaaga gagagacaag gagaagaaga 2521 aggagaagga gaagaaggct gaggacctgg acttctggct gtctaccacc ccaccgcctg 2581 cccccgcccc cgcccccgcc cccgttccat ccacggacga gtgtgaggac gccaagacgg 2641 aggcgcaggg cgaggaggac gatgccgagg ggcaagacca ggacaagaaa tctcccaagc 2701 ctaagaagaa gaagcacagg aaggagaagg aggagcggac caaaggcaag aagaagtcca 2761 agaagcagcc tccaggcagc gaggaggcag cgggggagcc ggtgcagaat ggcgcgccag 2821 aggaggagca gctcccgcct gagtccagct actccctcct cgctgaaaat tcctatgtta 2881 aaatgacctg tgacatccgg ggcagtctgc aggaggacag ccaggtcact gtggccatcg 2941 tgctggagaa caggagcagc agcatcctca agggcatgga gctcagcgtg ctggactcac 3001 tcaatgccag gatggcccgg ccgcagggct cctccgtcca cgatggcgtc cccgtgcctt 3061 tccagctgcc cccaggcgtc tccaacgaag cccagtatgt gttcaccatc cagagcatcg 3121 tcatggcgca gaagctcaag gggaccctgt ccttcattgc caagaatgac gagggtgcga 3181 cccacgagaa gctggacttc aggctgcact tcagctgcag ctcctacttg atcaccactc 3241 cctgctacag tgacgccttt gctaagttgc tggagtctgg ggacttgagc atgagctcaa 3301 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While this cleared up some things, I still had some disturbing doubts.  (Lord, I believe. Help thou my unbelief.).  I was puzzled and troubled about the apparent lack of candor among the high priests of Genetics.  The Genome completion was announced as a triumph, but only a tiny, occasional reference was made to the obvious fact that its main finding, that there were only 30,000 human genes instead of the 100,000 they were assuming, largely negates everything the Genomites had been preaching for the past dozen or so years.

This is a little more serious than the Pope announcing matter-of-factly that the Creation, by the way, took two days rather than six.  What the shortage of genes means is that the Genomites have been either very dishonest or very mistaken. They’ve had the masses revved up for several years in expectation of a genetic cure for almost everything from warts to brain cancer.  They made it sound so simple.  There is a “cancer gene” and a “fat gene,” and a “hair color gene,”  and a “depression gene.”  It’s just a matter of finding the right gene and tweaking it a little. The lame will walk and the blind will see.  The Doctor will work the miracle cures once reserved for Jesus. But it now turns out that humans have fewer genes than a grain of rice and it is obvious that God’s Language is more complicated than expected.


Here is medical researcher Dr. Irwin Bross on the subject,  from a very fine article from the Spring 2001 Civil Abolitionist:

Gene scientists have played God but done a terrible job of it. They were dead wrong about the evolutionary strategy for the creation of living organisms—including human beings. Their elitism and anthropomorphism have saddled biology with a whole series of false doctrines that students will have to unlearn. For instance, it has long been thought that each gene contained the instructions for one protein, and therefore the genome search would turn up more than 100,000 human genes (with 100,000 corresponding proteins). Now we have to admit that the low number of human genes and their lack of uniqueness has opened up new possibilities. A single gene might be used by a cell to make several proteins, perhaps by modifying the protein after it’s made. The dogmatism of gene scientists has prevented serious study (or even serious consideration) of the how human proteins are manufactured.

Dr. Bross continues:

 It is now clear that those “scientists” who got media coverage for several years by claiming that once the human genome map was finished, biotechnology could prevent or cure all of the human diseases were (a) totally stupid or (b) were deliberately raising false hopes in the American public as a ploy for grantsmanship. Only now is it possible for Stanley Fields, a geneticist at the University of Washington to say this: ”Deciphering how even [10 million] nucleotides [DNA building blocks] results in a yeast cell – let alone how [3 billion] nucleotides results in Tiger Woods or Britney Spears – only begins  with studying the genes and proteins individually. Understanding how all of these proteins collaborate to carry out cellular processes is the real enterprise at hand.” This is not what those who worship at the altars of biotechnology have been saying (e.g., We will be turning out wonder drugs for all human diseases tomorrow).

Well said, and it’s about time someone said it.  The Genomites speak with a forked tongue, and their much lauded “gene therapy” remains nothing more than a fanciful promise.  Do you know anyone who has recently been cured by “gene therapy?”

As God said in reference to false prophets in Chromosomes 12:24: “Ggtggtccgc atcccctgct tgccactatg cgcaccaagg tttccccaca tccttcccag.”   This, of course, is quite similar to His earlier indictment:

“Behold, I will corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces.” Malachai 2:3.