Industrial Pollution Is Turning Lakes into “Jelly”

by Rachel Feltman


As Canadian lakes have become more acidic, they’ve become increasingly dominated by jelly-like plankton that are throwing things out of whack, new research suggests. And these gummy invaders aren’t going anywhere. Soon, they could even disrupt the country’s water supply.

Years of industrial pollution have replaced the calcium that should be in Canadian soil with acid. Over time, as the drainage areas that feed the country’s lakes are leeched of their calcium, so are the lakes themselves.

Gummy Invaders are Bad News for Plankton (Click Picture for Larger View)

That’s bad news for the calcium-rich plankton (like the Daphnia water fleas) that used to thrive there. Research published recently in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B suggests that these plankton may be losing their turf to invaders less friendly to human needs.

Daphnia need calcium to build up their exoskeleton. Without it, they’re more vulnerable to predators, and their populations have been dropping. Meanwhile, the researchers report, climate change has caused oxygen levels in the lakes to decline as well. This makes for higher populations of larval midges, which are Daphnia’s main predators.

That’s allowed the opportunistic Holopedium to jump in, and the study authors report that populations of these gelatinous plankton have exploded in the past few decades. They only need a tenth of the calcium that Daphnia do, and are protected by their outer jelly capsules instead of by hard exoskeletons.

According to the researchers, Holopedium have been steadily increasing since around 1850 — around the same time that industrialization began.

Why worry about jelly lakes? The researchers believe that these plankton will continue to increase in number, and will eventually be numerous enough to clog up the extraction of drinking water. They also worry that the plankton will disrupt the food chain, eventually causing changes in the populations of other organisms.

“It may take thousands of years to return to historic lake water calcium concentrations solely from natural weathering of surrounding watersheds,” study co-author Andrew Tanentzap of the University of Cambridge said in a statement. “In the meanwhile, while we’ve stopped acid rain and improved the pH of many of these lakes, we cannot claim complete recovery from acidification. Instead, we may have pushed these lakes into an entirely new ecological state.”

Source: Washington Post.

Pure Water Gazette Fair Use Statement

US Water Use Lowest Since 1970

Posted November 17th, 2014


According to USGS, National Water Use Is at Lowest Levels Since Before 1970:  Conservation Works

Water use across the country reached its lowest recorded level in nearly 45 years. According to a new USGS report, about 355 billion gallons of water per day (BGD) were withdrawn for use in the entire United States during 2010. This represents a 13-percent reduction of water use from 2005 when about 410 BGD were withdrawn and the lowest level since before 1970. “Reaching this 45-year low shows the positive trends in conservation that stem from improvements in water-use technologies and management,” said Mike Connor, Deputy Secretary of the Interior. “Even as the US population continues to grow, people are learning to be more water conscious and do their part to help sustain the limited freshwater resources in the country.”

In 2010, more than 50 percent of the total withdrawals in the US were accounted for by 12 states, in order of withdrawal amounts: California, Texas, Idaho, Florida, Illinois, North Carolina, Arkansas, Colorado, Michigan, New York, Alabama and Ohio. California accounted for 11 percent of the total withdrawals for all categories and 10 percent of total freshwater withdrawals for all categories nationwide. Texas accounted for about seven percent of total withdrawals for all categories, predominantly for thermoelectric power, irrigation and public supply. Florida had the largest saline withdrawals, accounting for 18 percent of the total in the country, mostly saline surface-water withdrawals for thermoelectric power. Oklahoma and Texas accounted for about 70 percent of the total saline groundwater withdrawals in the US, mostly for mining. “Since 1950, the USGS has tracked the national water-use statistics,” said Suzette Kimball, acting USGS Director. “By providing data down to the county level, we are able to ensure that water resource managers across the nation have the information necessary to make strong water-use and conservation decisions.”

Water withdrawn for thermoelectric power was the largest use nationally, with the other leading uses being irrigation, public supply and self-supplied industrial water, respectively. Withdrawals declined in each of these categories. Collectively, all of these uses represented 94 percent of total withdrawals from 2005-2010.

— Thermoelectric power declined 20 percent, the largest percent decline.
— Irrigation withdrawals (all freshwater) declined nine percent.
— Public-supply withdrawals declined five percent.
— Self-supplied industrial withdrawals declined 12 percent.

A number of factors can be attributed to the 20-percent decline in thermoelectric-power withdrawals, including an increase in the number of power plants built or converted since the 1970s that use more efficient cooling-system technologies, declines in withdrawals to protect aquatic habitat and environments, power plant closures and a decline in the use of coal to fuel power plants. “Irrigation withdrawals in the United States continued to decline since 2005, and more croplands were reported as using higher-efficiency irrigation systems in 2010,” said Molly Maupin, USGS hydrologist. “Shifts toward more sprinkler and micro-irrigation systems nationally and declining withdrawals in the West have contributed to a drop in the national average application rate from 2.32 acre-feet per acre in 2005 to 2.07 acre-feet per acre in 2010.”

For the first time, withdrawals for public water supply declined between 2005 and 2010, despite a four-percent increase in the nation’s total population. The number of people served by public-supply systems continued to increase and the public-supply per capita use declined to 89 GPD in 2010 from 100 GPD in 2005. Declines in industrial withdrawals can be attributed to factors such as greater efficiencies in industrial processes, more emphasis on water reuse and recycling, and the 2008 US recession, resulting in lower industrial production in major water-using industries.

In a separate report, USGS estimated thermoelectric-power withdrawals and consumptive use for 2010, based on linked heat- and water-budget models that integrated power plant characteristics, cooling system types and data on heat flows into and out of 1,290 power plants in the US. These data include the first national estimates of consumptive use for thermoelectric power since 1995, and the models offer a new approach for nationally consistent estimates.

Source: WCPonline. 

Pure Water Gazette Fair Use Statement



 Pure Water Gazette Technical Writer Pure Water Annie Clears Up Turbidity


Turbidity can be thought of as the general cloudiness of water. It is actually a measurement of the degree to which particulate in the water interferes with light transmission. Suspended particles absord and diffuse light.

 High turbidity can be identified without a water test.

A turbidity test uses an instrument that passes light through the water and measures the amount of interference from suspended particles.The turbidity test reports results on an artificial scale using nephelometric units, or ntu. Anything above one ntu is technically an EPA “action level” violation, although the human eye only begins to detect turbidity in water at about 4 ntu. Therefore, water that appears completely clear to the eye can have excessive turbidity with health implications.

Turbidity in groundwater is often from tiny mineral particlses. These can include precipitated iron, clay particles or calcium carbonate precipitation.  In surface water turbidity is more likely suspended organic matter or other sediment.

The level of turbidity can, of course, range from invisible to the eye to highly colored water that is not transparent.   

Turbidity in water is more than an aesthetic issue. It is a frequent indicactor of microbial contamination because microbes can attach themselves to suspended sediment. Turbidity also makes it more difficult to disinfect water with chemicals.  The same is true with UV treatment because suspended particles can shadow microbial contaminants protecting them for the germicidal effect of the UV lamp.


Residential sediment treatment can range from the “sand trap” shown above, which relies on gravity to drop large particles from the water, to extremely tight membrane filters that can screen out sub-micron sized particles.

Treatment for turbidity is mainly by filtration. Sediment filters can be cartridge style, granular beds, or membrane-style. With large particles, simply holding the water in a tank will allow particulate to settle out. In municipal treatment, settling and filtration are often aided by chemicals like alum which promote coagulation and flocculation of small particles to form larger particles that settle or are filtered easily. The very tiniest if particles can be treated by membrane technologies like microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, and reverse osmosis.


This “microguard” cartridge filters out particulate (as well as bacteria and cysts) down to a very tight 0.15 micron absolute.  

It is important to realize that turbidity in water is not just an aesthetic consideration. While crystal clear water is certainly more appealing to the eye and to the palate, turbidity is also an important health consideration because microbes thrive in unclean water. Even if water appears clear, it is a good idea to test for turbidity and to take high turbidity readings seriously.




When cloudy water clears from the bottom upward as in the picture, the problem is not physical particulate but simply excess air trapped in the water. This sometimes occurs when carbon filters are new.

Commonly used sediment filters:

Simple wound string, spun polypropylene and pleated cartridge filters. These are available in a large range of “tightness” ratings that are stated in “microns.” Cartridge filters range in size from tiny to very large. Probably the most common residential whole house sediment filter is the popular ten-inch “Big Blue.” 

“Spin down” separators that are usually measured by “mesh” size. These have long lasting screens that are cleaned by simple blow down process.

“Sand traps” that allow large particles to drop from the water into a specially designed filter tank.

Backwashing filters that contain specialty media designed to trap sediment. The newer natural zeolite media can filter down to 5 microns.




Pure Water Gazette Numerical Wizard Bee Sharper Zeroes in on Water News from October 2014

B. Sharper Ferrets Out the Facts that Harper’s Misses

The items below appeared in the Pure Water Occasional during the month of October, 2014.

Number of people worldwide who now lack access to improved sanitation facilities — 2.5 billion.

According to the World Bank, the total percentage of diseases in the developing world that are caused by drinking unsafe water — 88%.

Number of people in southern Africa who lack access to basic latrines — 174,000,000.

Children who die annually in southern Africa from diarrhea caused by unsafe drinking water and poor sanitation — 120,000.

Rank of the US in per capita water use worldwide — 6.

Rank of Australia — 19.

Rank of Turkmenistan — 1.

Percentage of Turkmenistan’s land that has become desert since the 1960s– 70%.

Factor by which a citizen of Turkmenistan uses more water than a US citizen — 4.

Factor by which a citizen of Turkmenistan uses more water than a Chinese citizen — 13.

Rank of agriculture among the reasons why Turkmenistan and other Central Asian countries are the world’s top per capita water consumers — #1.

Amount of water required to produce the energy to power a single 60W incandescent light bulb — 3,000 to 6,300 gallons.

Percentage of total US fresh water that is required to cool thermo electric power generation — 39%.

Per capita monthly k Wh usage of Haiti — 2.

Per capita monthly k Wh usage of Iceland — 4, 172.

Percentage of the water treated by municipalities that is actually consumed by people — 1%.

Percentage that is “working water” (water for toilets, lawns, laundry, etc.) — 99%.

Gallons of irrigation water needed to grow one pound of avocados in the United States — 74.1.

To grow one pound of peaches — 42.1.

To grow one pound of lettuce — 5.5.

US per capita avocado production in 1999 — 1.1 lbs.

US per capita avocado production in 2011 — 4.5 lbs.

Percentage of avocado’s consumed in the United States that are imported — 70%.

Estimated number of pieces of plastic found afloat in every square kilometer of ocean — 13,000.

Depth at which a discarded sewing machine was found in the Mediterranean Sea — 4,000 feet.

Percentage of drought-driven water rate increase this year in Wichita Falls, TX — 53%.

Percentage of rate increases projected each year for the next 5 or 6 years in Dallas — 3% to 5%.

Percentage of rate increase projected for San Antonio water/wastewater rates over the next 5 years — $41%.

Estimated percentage of private wells in New Hampshire that have elevated levels of arsenic — 20%.

Annual water use in gallons of one Fresno, CA city councilman due to lawn irrigation “malfunctions” — 1.24 million.

Year of Dr. John Snow’s famous Broad Street Pump Study — 1854.

Rank of drought and water shortage among this week’s top water stories — #1.

Tons of BPA spewed into the atmosphere in 2013 by US companies — 26.

Gallons of water that could be saved annually by putting an “environmental label” on beef products — 76 to 129 billion.

Brain cancer rate increase among girls in a Florida town whose water was contaminated by the radioactive wastes of a defense contractor – 550%.

Ticket price charged by promoters to see “the most polluted mine in Montana” — $2.

Age of Boyan Slat, who has launched a significant project aimed at ridding the oceans of plastics — 20.

Aging, in years, added by drinking a daily 20-ounce soda, according to an American Journal of Public Health study — 4.6.

Year in which status of the British outpost Rockall was downgraded from island to rock — 1997.

Nautical square miles of ocean lost by the United Kingdom because of the downgrade — 60,000.

Factor by which water well drilling has increased in Santa Barbara, CA during the current drought — 3 times.

Percentage of the UK’s public water that is taken from groundwater sources — 35%.

Cost of restoring the Kissimmee River to its near meandering state after it was “straightened” by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers — $ 1 billion.

 Tons of London sewage that pollute the Tidal Thames in an average year — 39 million.

Tons of London sewage that polluted the Tidal Thames in 2013 — 55 million.

Years it will take to build the new Thames Tideway Tunnel that will fix the problem — 7.

Estimate number of abandoned mines in the US — 500,000.

Number of these that have been “identified” by the US government — 46,000.

Number of years that mine tailings can leach toxins into water supplies — 100.

Estimated cost to US taxpayers for cleanup of the nation’s abandoned mines — $32 to $72 billion.

Amount that Maryland fines giant agribusiness chicken factories when they submit “incomplete reports” of their activities — $250.

Number of cases of Ebola contracted by drinking water during the current outbreak — 0.

Number of cases of Ebola predicted to be contracted by drinking water during the next decade — 0.

Lost elevation in the water table beneath Stratford, California during the last two years — 100 feet.

Number of times the manure produced in a year on Maryland’s farms would fill Ravens stadium — 2.

Year in which Congress exempted fracking from the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act — 2005.

Number of customer water shutoffs made in Detroit between January and September of 2014 — 27,000.

The EPA allowable for benzene in drinking water — 0.005 mg/L  (5 parts per billion).

Current price of Pure Water Products Model 77 Countertop Filter, “the world’s greatest $77 water filter” — $77.

Price of Model 77 in 1992, 1996, 1999, 2004, and 2013 — $77.



Removing Methane from Well Water

Posted November 5th, 2014

Methane in Well Water: How to Get Rid of It

Gazette Introductory Note: Methane removal from water has become a public concern recently because of spectacular internet videos showing flaming tap water in areas where hydraulic fracturing for petroleum production has caused gas intrusions into water wells. There are a lot of myths about how methane is removed from water.  Here’s a good overview of treatment for methane from the Minnesota Department of Health.

Methane Removal and Treatment

Methane will not be removed by common water treatment devices such as sediment filters, water softeners, or carbon filters. Most removal or treatment techniques involve aeration. A gas shroud, attached to a submersible pump in the well, may provide relief in some circumstances. Fittings that drain back or aerate water into the well have been used, but are not particularly effective, and may cause other problems such as well corrosion or plugging.


Aeration is the process of mixing air into water and venting the gas to the outside atmosphere. Aeration can remove methane, as well as other gasses such as hydrogen sulfide (rotten egg smell).

Treatment devices range from the simple to the complex. The simplest is to use a pressure tank without a bladder or diaphragm, often referred to as a “galvanized” tank. An air release valve, vented to the atmosphere, releases the methane. This system is relatively simple and inexpensive, and does not require a second pump or tank, but is relatively inefficient at treating large volumes of water or removing large quantities of methane.

A more effective, but more complicated, system is to add an aspirator or aerator to the inlet of a water storage tank. An air pump or compressor will speed up the methane removal, but adds expense and maintenance.

Waterfall, diffusion, or mechanical aerators are devices that more effectively mix air with the water, resulting in more rapid and efficient removal, but increased cost and maintenance. Some systems involve a storage/treatment tank system with spray aerators enclosed in the tank. Use of an unpressurized treatment tank will require two pumps and two tanks – a well pump and a re-pressurizing pump, and a treatment tank and a pressure tank. Retention times of several minutes are typically needed to allow release of the methane. Air separators, similar to devices used on hot water heating systems to remove air, have also been used to remove methane.

Vents, air release valves, and other mechanical parts can fail, or freeze if not properly installed and maintained. Systems that use a nonpressurized tank may be subject to airborne contamination of the water supply if not carefully installed and maintained. All systems should be designed to be sanitary, avoid cross connections, and be vented outside.

Water for Coffee

by Hardly Waite

The Pure Water Gazette has already devoted more than a sensible number of words to the subject of the nature of perfect water for making coffee.  See, for example, What kind of water makes the best tasting coffee?  and What is the ideal water for brewing coffee?   But since there is always room for another opinion, here is more advice on coffee brewing, this from Axeon Water’s website.  Axeon is a major supplier of water treatment equipment, especially known for its large reverse osmosis units.  The article is called Getting more out of your coffee.

Americans’ love of coffee dates back to the Boston Tea Party in 1773 when the colonists boycotted tea. The colonists united and vowed to only serve coffee in their homes. Ever since, the American taste for coffee has continued to grow.

Most attention of course is given to the type of coffee bean and where it is grown. After all it is the coffee bean that provides the caffeine. Yet the coffee bean alone does not constitute the flavor of coffee. Remember better than 98% of coffee is water. Water is the solvent responsible for leaching all those flavors and oils out of the coffee bean and into the coffee drink.

Drinking water from the tap contains varying amounts of total dissolved solids (TDS). TDS is composed of a variety of salts and minerals such as sodium chloride (table salt) and hardness (calcium and magnesium). Without controlling the consistency of the TDS, the coffee can swing from very bitter to weak. Too low TDS will result in a very bitter taste while high of TDS will result in a weak taste due to less than sufficient extraction of the coffee bean organics. Generally speaking, 150 ppm is often considered the target TDS level.

The individual salts and minerals of the TDS can affect the flavor of coffee. Chlorides will impart a sweet taste; however, at higher levels the taste turns sour. Sulfates on the other hand accentuate the bitterness. Softening the water by removing the hardness is not necessarily the ideal. Hardness (such as calcium and magnesium) is actually preferable for extracting the organic flavor from the coffee bean. Without the proper amount of mineral hardness, the coffee will be very bitter.

Municipal tap water also contains either chlorine or chloramines as a method of disinfecting the water supply. Chlorine and chloramine alters the taste by imparting medicinal odors.

To perfect the taste of coffee, coffee shops often turn to reverse osmosis filtration to design a water profile that best suits the extraction of flavor from the coffee bean. Brewers opt to blend the permeate water from the reverse osmosis with pretreated water that is bypassed around the reverse osmosis unit. Changing the ratio of this blend allows the coffee brewer the flexibility to modify the total dissolved minerals in the water as needed.

To clarify, what they are suggesting as the way to manufacture perfect water for coffee is to treat the water by reverse osmosis.  This will normally produce water that is way below the ideal 150 ppm Total Dissolved Solids.  To bump the TDS to 150, the product water from the RO unit (permeate) is blended with filtered tap water to arrive at water with the correct dissolved solids level but with chlorine or chloramines removed. This may prove to be way too much trouble for home coffee brewers, but restaurants might go to the trouble to assure a perfect product.  In practical terms, if your local tap water is naturally in the 150 range, you would want to filter it with a good carbon filter (but not reverse osmosis) to remove the disinfectants and other taste/odor issues and use it as it is.  For example, our local tap water comes from a lake and is usually around 180 ppm dissolved solids.  That’s close enough.





 A Bridge Too Far

by Janice Karpersen

Several environmental groups have filed a lawsuit in New York to prevent state officials from using money from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund to build a bridge—something they contend has nothing to do with clean water.

The purpose of the CWSRF is to provide low-interest loans for communities to meet Clean Water Act goals. Since it began 25 years ago, the CWSRF has provided more than $100 billion in funding, currently averaging about $5 billion a year for controlling nonpoint-source pollution, protecting drinking water sources, treating wastewater, and other water-related projects. In all it has funded more than 33,000 loans.

Construction work for the Tappan Zee Bridge, the lawsuit says, is not one of those projects. New York State is trying to pay for $511 million in bridge-related work—including dredging, pile driving, and demolition—with CWSRF funds. In September EPA stated that the work to be done with $482 million of the proposed loan, or about 95%, was not an appropriate use of CWSRF money, but the state says EPA’s approval is not needed, according to the suit.

Marc Yaggi, executive director of Waterkeeper Alliance, one of the groups filing the lawsuit, said that allowing the state to use clean water funds for other purposes would set a bad precedent for other states to do the same. The other groups filing the suit are Riverkeeper and Environmental Advocates of New York.

You can read the complete lawsuit here.

Source: Stormwater.

Pure Water Gazette Fair Use Statement

First Sex Occurred in Water: Now We Know

by Gene Franks

Copulation in progress.  If you’re 18 or older, you can see an animated version of the primitive sex act here.

On October 19, 2014, the prestigious British science journal Nature reported findings by Professor John Long et al of Flinders University which it hailed as “one of the biggest discoveries in the evolutionary history of sexual reproduction.”

Nature  a couple of weeks ago rejected as “too controversial” a paid advertisement from the Dr. Bronner soap company  which presented solid research linking GMO agriculture to excessive use of pesticides, but the  journal did not hesitate to give its hearty endorsement  to conclusions about events that took place 385 million years ago and that might not be completely convincing to everyone.

Professor Long et al. “found that internal fertilisation and copulation appeared in ancient armoured fishes, called placoderms, about 385 million years ago in what is now Scotland.” Long reached this conclusion after stumbling across a single fossil bone in the collections of the University of Technology in Tallinn, Estonia last year.  Long concluded that the bone is a “clasper” or primitive penis as it were.  The discovery, Long says, ” now pushes the origin of copulation back even further down the evolutionary ladder, to the most basal of all jawed animals. Basically it’s the first branch off the evolutionary tree where these reproductive strategies started.”

You can read the full account of Dr. Long’s discovery and see a computer simulation of a 385 million year old placoderm tryst on the Archaeology News Network.


How to Be Eco-Friendly When You’re Dead

Standard burial and cremation take tons of energy and resources. So what’s the most environmentally sound way to deal with a dead person?

by Shannon Palus

Gazette Introductory Note:  We’ve visited the issue of body disposal and water quality before.  See, for example, “How the dead pollute water.”   Also, “Formaldehyde as a Water Contaminant.”   Clearly both burial and cremation have advantages and disadvantages.  The Atlantic article below examines the options in greater detail and introduces such concepts as “green cremation.” –Hardly Waite.

When Phil Olson was 20, he earned money in the family business by draining the blood from corpses. Using a long metal instrument, he sucked the fluid out of the organs, and pumped the empty space and the arteries full of three gallons of toxic embalming fluid. This process drains the corpse of nutrients and prevents it from being eaten by bacteria, at least until it’s put into the ground. Feebly encased in a few pounds of metal and wood, it wasn’t long until all the fluid and guts just leak back out.

Most of the bodies Olson prepared in his family’s funeral home would then be buried in traditional cemeteries, below a lawn of grass that must be mowed, watered, sprayed with pesticides, and used for nothing else, theoretically until the end of time.

Cemeteries “are kind of like landfills for dead bodies,” says Olson. Today, as a philosopher at Virginia Tech, his work looks at the alternatives to traditional funeral practices. He has a lot to think about: The environmentally friendly funeral industry is booming, as people begin to consider the impacts their bodies might have once they’re dead. Each year, a million pounds of metal, wood, and concrete are put in the ground to shield dead bodies from the dirt that surrounds them. A single cremation requires about two SUV tanks worth of fuel. As people become increasingly concerned with the environment, many of them are starting to seek out ways to minimize the impact their body has once they’re done using it.

There all kinds of green practices and products available these days on the so-called “death care” market. So many, in fact, that in 2005 Joe Sehee founded the Green Burial Council—a non-profit that keeps tabs on the green funeral industry, offering certifications for products and cemeteries. Sehee saw a need to prevent meaningless greenwashing in the green burial world. “It is a social movement. It’s also a business opportunity,” he said. So what’s the most environmentally friendly way to dispose of a body? It all depends on your preferences.

For those who still want to be be buried, a greener approach may include switching out the standard embalming fluids made of a combination of formaldehyde and rubbing alcohol, with ones made of essential oils. And instead of a heavy wood and metal box that will take years to degrade and leave behind toxic residue, there are now Green Burial Council-certified biodegradable cedar caskets.

Others are choosing to forgo the casket completely and opt for what’s called a “natural burial,” involving only a burlap sack buried in the woods. If you don’t have a forest handy, in some cities bodies may soon be placed in an industrial sized compost bin, and turned over to create fertile soil.

That’s the idea behind the Urban Death Project, which envisions a three-story downtown cemetery for bodies: a stylized pit of sorts, filled with carbon-rich material. Microbes decompose the bodies into a compost. It is a green practice, but not simply a utilitarian one: Urban Death Project bills itself as “a space for contemplation of our place in the natural world.” Bodies are “folded back into the communities where they have lived,” the website explains.

For those who might have opted for cremation rather than burial, there are green alternatives to that as well. Currently on the market is a method called “green cremation” that uses a pressurized metal chamber and bath of chemicals. The technique started out as a way to dispose of lab animals at Albany Medical College, and it is now legal for use on humans in just eight states.

In this method, also known as alkaline hydrolysis, bodies are dissolved into a liquid that is safe to flush into the sewage system. Overall, the process uses 90 percent less energy than traditional cremation—though it will skyrocket a funeral home’s water bills. “It uses a ton, a ton, of water,” says Olson. According to an alkaline hydrolysis system manufacturer, about 300 gallons per human body. Olson thinks recycled “grey water” could be used to cut down on the water waste. But he wonders: “Will families say, ‘I don’t want grandma dissolved in dirty dishwater’?”

Olson says that it’s not necessarily the green-ness of this new cremation that appeals to people. It’s how gentle it seems. “Burning grandma in fire seems to be violent,” he says. “In contrast, green cremation is ‘putting grandma in a warm bath.’”

And that perception is generally far more important to people than the eco-friendliness of the process. Even projects that put the environment front-and-center emphasize the feeling of a pleasant exit, and a lasting connection to the Earth.

So what does Sehee look for in a truly green burial? Something that works to actively conserve rural land. The council awards three leaves—the highest rating available—to burial plots that not only eschew embalming fluid and vaults, but double as conservation spaces. A three-leaved process does away with nearly every environmental concern related to burial and cremation and works to keep land free of development and pesticide.

Ultimately, which eco-friendly exit you choose is mostly about personal comfort. And if the choices seem daunting, it’s worth remembering: Even the most energy-intensive acts of burial pale in comparison to the carbon footprint you’re leaving right now.

Source: The Atlantic.

Pure Water Gazette Fair Use Statement

Low Salt

by Nancy Gross


Brackish groundwater: The bad news is that it has higher levels of TDS than potable water, so you can’t just pump it out of the ground to include among drinking water resources. But the good news is that it has a lower concentration of TDS than seawater, which means that treating it is less energy-intensive and more cost-effective.

Nonetheless, the US Department of the Interior explains some cons along with the pros:

Brackish waters can be found in coastal areas (bays and estuaries, where fresh water mixes with salt water), in aquifers (where it is usually referred to as saline water), and in surface waters (salt marshes, for instance, contain brackish water). Brackish water sources produce a number of challenges for use:

* Water salinity allows for a broader range of applicable treatment technologies than seawater desalination

* Water composition can include large concentrations of sparingly soluble carbonate and silica salts that can cause scaling

* The affect of long term pumping of brackish ground water aquifers on fresh groundwater resources is unknown

* Issues of concentrate discharge are related to inland concentrate management

A number of utilities in the West and Southwest are implementing brackish water desalination to augment their water supply. San Antonio Water System is a prominent example. You can read about their brackish desal program, beyond the paragraphs copied below, on the SAWS website:

San Antonio Water System is currently developing a brackish groundwater desalination program in southern Bexar County. Brackish groundwater is a plentiful, previously untapped local source of water that will help diversify San Antonio’s supplies.

SAWS future desalination facility will generate about 12 million gallons of water per day (mgd) or 13,440 acre-feet per year from the Wilcox Aquifer in Phase I. The plant will be located at the existing SAWS Twin Oaks Aquifer Storage & Recovery site.

The well sites will be located on adjacent SAWS property. Phases II and III will be completed in 2021 and 2026 respectively and will deliver a total of more than 30 mgd or 33,600 acre-feet per year. The total capital costs of the program for all three phases, including land acquisition, feasibility, design, construction and SAWS overhead is currently estimated at about $411.4 million. The cost per acre-foot of all three phases of the program is estimated at $1,138.

Source: Water Efficiency.

Pure Water Gazette Fair Use Statement