Humming is Good For You
by Hardly Waite, Gazette Senior News Analyst
Bodies, tiger or human or anteater, have no unnecessary parts; neither do they have unnecessary gestures, sensations, and activities. Coughing, belching, hiccupping, frowning, spitting, wheezing, twitching, snorting, weeping, snarling, blinking, yawning, farting, flinching, sneezing, smiling, itching, licking, pouting, slobbering, shivering, laughing, grieving, groaning, hurting–all have their purpose.--Tiger Tom, On Pain.
Gazette Columnist Tiger Tom can now add humming to his list of essential activities, for Swedish researchers have proven something that is obvious to anyone who pays attention: Humming is good for you.
Please click the picture for details. |
You’ll Hum Better! |
The researchers measured hummers’ exhalation levels by tracking nitric oxide (NO), a gas produced in the lungs and nasal passages to help blood vessels dilate. Humming increased the NO released into the nose from the sinuses.
Humming also facilitated the exchange of air from sinuses into nasal passages, which essentially ventilates the sinuses and protects them from infection.
If you need more information on the science of the issue, please go to American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2002;166:144-145
If you just want to experience for yourself the exhilarating efficacy of Hardly Waite Humming Therapy, throw away your sinus drops and start and end each day by humming a couple of verses of the “Ode to Joy” section of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. Your sinuses will rejoice and your spirits will soar.
And if after 5 years of Hardly Waite Humming Therapy, you conclude that it doesn’t work, just write me and I’ll cheerfully give you double your money back.
Disclaimer: The Pure Water Gazette does not recommend that you hum without consent and direction of a qualified health professional.
This article has also appeared in the Pure Water Occasional.