Illinois’ Historic Hoffman Dam, Two Centuries Old, Comes Down In July
Work has begun to remove the Hofmann Dam across the Des Plaines River, putting an end to nearly two centuries of history.
Illinois Constructors Corporation started early today knocking a hole in the center of the dam. When the work is completed, scheduled for July
- Hoffman Tower
7, the center of the dam will be fully removed all the way down to the bedrock, allowing water to flow the natural course of the Des Plaines River.
Built in 1827 and rebuilit several times, including in 1866 and 1908, the last time the Hofmann Dam was replaced was in 1950, when the state of Illinois footed the bill.
In 1908, George Hofmann commissioned the building of a tower from plans imported from Germany on property originally purchased by the Hofmann family in 1874. The tower and dam are located at a ford in the Des Plaines River and an old Indian trail. The dam, built in 1830 in conjunction with a nearby mill, was improved at the time of the tower’s construction.