![]() B. B.’s Water Facts Page
Gazette Numbers Wizard B.Bee Sharper Reveals Water’s Secrets
Percentage of the world’s water that is salty or otherwise undrinkable: 97%. Percentage of the world’s water that is locked in glaciers and icecaps: 2%. Percentage of the world’s water that is available for all of humanity’s needs: 1%. Percentage of the human brain that is water: 75%. Percentage of the human blood that is water: 83%. Percentage of human bones that are water: 25%. Tons of water that are evaporated each day by the sun: 1,000,000, 000,000 (one trillion). In a one hundred year period, the amount of time spent in the ocean by the average water molecule: 98 years. In a one hundred year period, the amount of time spent as ice by the average water molecule: 20 months. In a one hundred year period, the amount of time spent in lakes and rivers by the average water molecule: 2 weeks. In a one hundred year period, the amount of time spent in the atmosphere by the average water molecule: 1 week. Amount of time that groundwater, once polluted, can remain polluted: several thousand years. Number of the Earth’s people that must walk at least three hours to obtain drinking water: 1,000,000,000 (one billion). Percentage of U. S. homes that have no running water: 2%. Percentage of the Mexican population that has to haul or carry water: 15%. Average times per day that water faucets are turned on in U.S. households: 70. Estimated percentage of water used by U.S. families that could be saved by simple conservation methods: 50%. Gallons of water produced by one inch of rain falling on one acre of land: 27,154. U. S. population 200 years ago: 4,000,000. U.S. population today: 250,000,000. Amount of increase in available water during that time period: 0. If present water consumption patterns continue, fraction of the Earth’s population that will be living in water-stressed conditions by the year 2025: two persons in three. During the 2002 Israeli/Palestinian conflict, the amount of water available daily to Israeli settlers in the West Bank: 92.5 gallons per person. Amount of water available daily to their Palestinian neighbors: 18.5 gallons per person. Gallons of water given off each day by evaporation by a single birch tree: 70. Gallons of water given off each day by evaporation by a married birch tree: 70. Amount of water used in refining one gallon of crude oil: 1,851.